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Communities Building a Brighter Future
for the Great Barrier Reef!

Reef Restoration Foundation is a grassroots not-for-profit organisation

We are a community-based start-up that formed in response to a threat to the places we love. We are resourced entirely through donations and sponsorships. We are a small team that is supported in the field by passionate volunteers from our local community.

Our signature Resilience & Recovery program is designed specifically to address the increasingly frequent, severe, and widespread coral bleaching that is a manifestation of climate change.

The program aims to achieve two core objectives:

  1. Create spawning stock in our nurseries to produce hundreds of millions of additional coral larvae every year to help build reef resilience in the good times.
  2. Lower the nurseries during periods of warm water and wild weather to preserve spawning stock, and turbo charge reef recovery in the bad times.

We are a charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission and a Deductible Gift Recipient endorsed by the Australian Tax Office.

Your donation to us will save you money!

Our ocean-based nurseries suspended in the water column grow fragments of corals into spawning stock to add coral larvae to the environment.

A review of the scientific literature indicates an average of more than 100,000 fertilised larvae from a single colony. That means our nursery network, at capacity, can produce 600 million additional fertilised larvae to the ecosystem every year to build resilience in the good times and to aid recovery in the bad.

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change distilled the many reams of published science from all over the world into the three things that humanity must embrace:

  1. Drastically and rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  2. Remove carbon from the atmosphere
  3. Restore the function of the environment

Our Resilience & Recovery program is not an alternative to action on climate change. It is part of the collective action required from people across the globe to give us all a brighter future. There is a role for everyone.

Businesses and individuals can assist us through making a tax-deductible donation. There are also sponsorship opportunities.

3,000 coral reefs
450 types of reef-building corals
1,600+ types of fish
3,000+ species of molluscs
6 of the 7 sea turtle species found in the world!
600 species of echinoderm
14 species of sea snake
30 species of whales & dolphins
200+ bird species
133 species of sharks & rays

The Great Barrier Reef is a global hotspot for biodiversity. And it is enormous – about the size of Germany, or the state of Montana, and is visible from space. It’s an impressive expanse of 344,000km2 spanning 2,300km or 14 degrees of latitude. It also boasts more than 1,000 islands and 2,000km2 of mangrove, plus 6,000km2 of seagrass.

There’s a lot to cherish and preserve.


economic value


people employed


Australian economy

Congratulations to:

David Chandran from Jamberoo in New South Wales

Keep your eye out for another raffle coming soon…